Service Company


average daily gain


weight for 180 days


slaughter yield


Damate was the first in Russia to start working with sheep-breeding farms on the basis of the contract farming model traditionally used in large western agricultural holdings. A fundamentally new approach implies that Damate concludes long-term contracts with the heads of the farms, under the terms of which the service company Damate provides resource and consulting support to them.

Damate's specialists advise and provide services to farmers in the field of feeding, veterinary medicine, genetics and breeding in accordance with modern technologies and standards of the agricultural industry. The farms are the raw material base of the project and undertake to supply Damate at a pre-agreed price a certain amount of products in accordance with the specified quality requirements.

The advantages of the Damate service company are the presence of foreign specialists from the leading countries in sheep breeding, its own laboratory and veterinary base, access to the most modern technologies of insemination, feeding and veterinary medicine.


  • Herd audit

  • New feed compositions

  • Pasture improvement

  • Reproduction and genetics counseling

  • Televeterinary medicine