About us

Damate Group is a Russian agricultural holding company, a category expert on the niche meat market. The company's portfolio includes projects for the production of turkey, duck, and lamb. In addition, Damate develops dairy farming, and genetics.


The geography of Damate's activities covers several regions: Penza, Tyumen, Rostov regions, Saint-Petersburg and the North Caucasus Federal District.

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Damate is the leader in turkey production in Russia, ranks first among European companies and is one of the five leading turkey producers in the world.According to the results of 2023, Damate produced 237 thousand tons of turkey meat.

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Turkey production complexes with a complete production cycle are located in Penza  and Rostov regions. The country's largest breeding reproducer is located in the Tyumen region. The production of chopped semi-finished products has been launched in St. Petersburg.


In 2023, “Damate produced 13.8 thousand tons of duck meat in slaughter weight. The industrial duck production complex is located in the Rostov region and includes all stages from the parent stock to processing.

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In the North Caucasus Federal District Damate develops the production of lamb. Under the project, breeding farms and feedlots are being constructed; the reconstruction of the meat processing plant is being completed. Damate produced more than 3 thousand tons of lamb in slaughter weight at the end of 2023.


In the Tyumen region there is a livestock dairy complex for 13.5 thousand heads of cattle. In 2023, the company produced 59 thousand tons of raw milk. Unique projects for the country in the field of genetics and breeding are being implemented on the basis of the complex.

The company's bank of agricultural lands totals more than 100 thousand hectares.

Over 11 thousand people work at the company's enterprises throughout the country.

The company sells products under the trademarks “Indilight”, “Ozerka”, BazarCo, “Karachaevskaya Chernaya”, Salima, “Tolko!” throughout the country and develops export direction.

Chairman of the Board of Directors isNaum Babaev. General Director of Damate Group is Andrey Sedov.