
Направления: Turkey production Duck Production Lamb Production Dairy farming Все

Damate has launched the production of canned lamb and turkey at a factory in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. The production capacity is 5.5 thousand tons of meat products or up to 20 million cans per year.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Damate Naum Babayev was awarded the second class medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland for achievements in agriculture and many years of conscientious work. The decree on the state award was signed by the President of the Russian Federation on February 11, 2023.

Damate has started the second construction stage of the largest sheep fattening site in the North Caucasus Federal District totaling to 540 million rubles. The launch of new facilities will allow reaching the declared capacity of 50 thousand heads.

Damate and the Malaysian company 3BumiTrading signed a memorandum of intent to start exporting halal products to Malaysia. According to the signed memorandum, Damate plans to supply poultry, lamb, beef, their offal, as well as their processed products.

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin in course of a working visit to the North Caucasus Federal District highly appreciated the work of the Russia's largest lamb processing plant Damate. The enterprise with a capacity of 25 thousand tons of products was launched in September 2023 and is now reaching production targets.

The largest feed plant in the Volga region Damate has received a license to export products to the countries of the Customs Union – Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia. The company plans to export ready-made animal feed for production animals.

Damate has started exporting lamb products. The first batch of chilled lamb was sent by air to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Damate Group, which is implementing a lamb production project in the North Caucasus Federal District, has started supplying lamb products abroad. The first batch of chilled products was sent to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Damate keeps improving the structure of the herd at the dairy complex in Tyumen region with the help of genetic technologies. For three years, the company has carried out genotyping and determined the genetic potential of 10 thousand heads.