
Направления: Turkey production Duck Production Lamb Production Dairy farming Все

Damate increased duck production by 65% up to 17.9 thousand tons in 2022. The positive dynamics is the result of the systematic implementation of the project in Rostov region and reaching the declared capacity.

The dairy complex Damate in Tyumen region demonstrates high performance results for the second year in a row. In 2022, the company has produced more than 56 thousand tons of raw milk, which conform its planned capacity.

Damate increased turkey production by 8% up to 216 thousand tons in 2022. The positive dynamics is the result of the systematic implementation of projects in Penza and Rostov regions.

Damate has started the construction of a modern breeding and genetic center for breeding sheep in the North Caucasus Federal District. The project worth 1.1 billion rubles will allow creating a high-quality gene pool of Russian sheep, reducing the dependence of the sheep industry on the import of breeding material.

Damate increased the number of laboratory tests conducted by 14% up to 1.6 million in 2022. The company controls all stages of production from the acceptance of raw materials to the shipment of finished products, which guarantees their quality and safety.

Damate has built a new feed mill and elevator worth 4.5 billion rubles in Penza region. Thanks to the launch of the enterprise, the turkey production complex reaches full self-sufficiency with feed.

Damate took part in a videoconference with Russian President Vladimir Putin, during which the largest second order turkey reproducer in Russia with a capacity of 12 million eggs per year in Tyumen region was launced.  Output of a new enterprise at full capacity will completely cover the need for an incubation egg and reduce dependence on foreign breeding supplies.

Damate turkey products were awarded at the international exhibition FoodExpo in Kazakhstan. In the near future, Damate plans to develop distribution throughout Kazakhstan.